Hello everyone, welcome to another addition of my marketing blog. Today I’m going to talk about how comfortable people feel with their privacy online.

Your oblivious online adoptions could potentially have you risk all your privacy.

You’re probably wondering what do I mean by this?

Australian legislation does not include the word ‘privacy’ as is so vague. The term ‘privacy’ is so difficult to describe as it can include a multitude of dissimilar things and limitations, making it problematic for you and me to engross how we feel about our privacy online.

Let’s instigate some key points on what privacy covers and what it is.

·        Divulging facts that perhaps unknown to the public

·        Clandestineness, discretion and informational self determination

·        Privacy can symbolize personal data

Now looking back at brief introduction on privacy, do you take certain measures to make sure your privacy is protection online?


I bet you have Facebook, everyone has Facebook. Were you aware of the security breach that affected over 87 million users? Cambridge Analytica who might I add worked with Donald Trump’s election team, harvested millions of user’s personal information and profiles to build a software program to assist Trump. What a massive breach of privacy!

You can see why it is so important to be vigilant with what you post online and who you give access to your private data. Do you know that there are thousands of third-party companies on Facebook that ask you to complete survey’s such as; find out what you’ll look like in 50 years, find out what you’ll look like being the opposite sex, etc. When completing these survey’s they often won’t allow you to complete them unless you have authorised them to have access to your PERSONAL DATA. If I were you, I would stop using these services. 


Have you knowingly given a company access to your private data, and has it affected you later?

I would love to hear your stories, leave me a comment! – Y.M


  1. Hi Yasmine,

    Really enjoyed this blog! Privacy online is such an important topic that isn’t discussed enough if my opinion.
    In response to your question, I definitely have been a victim of giving my personal data to these third parties. When I was younger, I’d jump on the trend and share this on Facebook on any quiz I saw my friends doing as well. Looking back on it now, I had no understanding of who I was giving my information too and with the knowledge I have now I definitely wouldn’t be making the same mistake. Fortunately, I’ve haven’t had any traumatic experiences due to it.

    Looking forward to your next post and be sure to read and comment on my latest blog


    1. Hi Elysse, thank you for your input!
      I agree with everything you’re saying, luckily we have had the chance to learn about how important our data is in our digital marketing class. I definitely will be protecting my privacy from social media websites in anyway I can now! Sure thing, be sure to comment on my last blog post of the semester 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey Yasmine, this post I can really relate. The amount of times I’ve allowed these random companies access my privacy data just because i wanted to see that small burst of entertainment during that time has made me think ‘why did i do that?’ Now they have full view of all my personal details! We should be careful as to what we put online because absolutely ANYONE can hack and get their hands on it. Back when i used to use Bebo, i would put my address and then that same year i learnt about online hacking and it really taught me a lesson to NOT fill in those details even when the website asks! I don’t even understand why Facebook would ask in the first place but! Anyways, great blog! 🙂


    1. Hey Shelley, oh god yes you have to be so careful when giving out such personal details such as your address! I even stopped using the Woolworths reward point cards after learning that giving so much data to companies is not worth the small discounts! Thank you 🙂


  3. Hi Yasmine, its crazy to see that company’s are not held responsible for any of these breaches as the terms and conditions state that they own our data. I hope that government legislation changes soon to protect users! I have personally given my personal information to an insurance company and it was misused through many phone calls throughout the week, which I felt was a breach of my privacy!


  4. Hi Yasmine, good read! I think its scary to think about how much of our private data is out there and just how easy it is for big companies or anyone for that matter to use it.


  5. Hey Yasmine, crazy about Donald Trump harvesting users data to aid in his campaign… The citizens of the US really do have no privacy rights… especially with all the controversy surrounding the NSA. Fascinating stuff!


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